Animal Tool Behavior is a read for a wide audience of individuals interested in understanding not only the range of behaviors of which non-human animals are capable, but also cognition, conceptualized both as a set of abilities and as an array of mental operations.
Reading about how busy all these tool-users are is a delight, an introduction to a unique way of regarding a fascinating aspect of animal behavior.
A true encyclopedia of animal tool use and as such I highly recommend it for every library that serves zoologists and/or behavioral scientists as well as for major public libraries.
I highly recommend this publication to anyone who is interested in animal behavior. It would be a wonderful textbook for advanced undergraduate courses and for graduate-level seminars in biology, psychology, and anthropology programs.
This book is a landmark publication that will stimulate, guide and advance animal tool-use research for decades to come... Brimming with exciting natural history and presented with admirable rigour and scholarship.
Book Details
Foreword, by Gordon M. Burghardt
1. Introduction
2. Invertebrates
3. Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds
4. Non-Primate Mammals
5. Prosimians and Monkeys
6. Apes
7. Seven Myths
Foreword, by Gordon M. Burghardt
1. Introduction
2. Invertebrates
3. Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds
4. Non-Primate Mammals
5. Prosimians and Monkeys
6. Apes
7. Seven Myths