Hispania uses the online submissions system ScholarOne. Please click below to submit article manuscripts and invited book/media reviews for consideration: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/hispan.
New users must first create a ScholarOne account by clicking on “Register here” under the “New User?” heading to the right of log-in screen. Hispania’s submission guidelines can be accessed in ScholarOne.
Hispania invites the submission of original, unpublished manuscripts on language, linguistics, literature, film, culture, cultural studies, applied linguistics, and pedagogy having to do with Spanish and Portuguese. Submissions should display thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the subject and field. Submissions cannot be under consideration by other journals or publish- ers. Each eligible submitted research article will be evaluated in external peer review. Further considerations in the evaluation of manuscripts include contribution to the advancement of knowledge, originality of method or focus, organization, and clarity of expression. Submissions of essays between 7,000–9,500 words may be in English, Portuguese, or Spanish.
Hispania invites submissions of Short-form Articles that consider in-depth topics of interest to K–20 educators in the fields of Spanish and Portuguese and be authored by teacher-scholars at all levels. All short-form submissions should promote an inclusive and forward-thinking vision for the second century of the AATSP and should be free of biased language, unsup- ported speculation, and content that might be regarded as promotional. Short-form Articles are editorially reviewed, instead of undergoing external peer review. Submissions of essays must consist of 1,500–3,000 words of body text (no notes are permitted) and may be written in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. Submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis and should be sent to bfraser@aatsp.org.
If you are interested in reviewing books and/or media, please contact the Editor: ddumitrescu@aatsp.org. Hispania will not accept unsolicited reviews and does not publish reviews of works more than two years old. If you have a specific title in mind, please consult the Editor. We especially encourage offers to review film and other media resources. Members of the AATSP who wish to be considered as reviewers of book/media reviews must register on ScholarOne (see above) and send their CV to the Book/Media Review Editor. Publishers and authors should contact Editor Dumitrescu before sending her the book. Submitted materials will not be returned to publishers or authors, even if they are not selected for review. Because of the number of works that correspond to Hispania’s broad scope, not all requests to review specific items can be granted. An invitation to review does not guarantee publication. All reviews must pass through a double- anonymous review process and publication decisions are based upon reviewer comments and the discretion of the editors.
The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
Hispania invites the submission of original, unpublished manuscripts on language, linguistics, literature, film, culture, cultural studies, applied linguistics, and pedagogy having to do with Spanish and Portuguese. Submissions should display thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the subject and field. Submissions cannot be under consideration by other journals or publishers. Each eligible submitted research article will be evaluated in external peer review. Further considerations in the evaluation of manuscripts include contribution to the advancement of knowledge, originality of method or focus, organization, and clarity of expression.
Hispania also invites submissions of Short-form Articles that consider in-depth topics of interest to K–20 educators in the fields of Spanish and Portuguese and be authored by teacher-scholars at all levels. All short-form submissions should promote an inclusive and forward-thinking vision for the second century of the AATSP and should be free of biased language, unsupported speculation, and content that might be regarded as promotional. Short-form Articles are editorially reviewed, instead of undergoing external peer review.
Benjamin Fraser, The University of Arizona
Conxita Domènech, University of Wyoming
Isabel Álvarez-Borland, Holy Cross College
Luis Álvarez-Castro, University of Florida
Catherine Bellver, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Pamela G. Benton, Pinellas County Schools
Jennifer Cabrelli Amaro, University of Illinois at Chicago
María Carreira, California State University, Long Beach
Francisco M. Carriscondo Esquivel, Universidad de Málaga, España
Joseph Collentine, Northern Arizona University
David William Foster, Arizona State University
Emily Francomano, Georgetown University
Edward H. Friedman, Vanderbilt University
Ethel Jorge, Pitzer College
David Knutson, Xavier University
Jaime Leaños, University of Nevada, Reno
Michael J. Leeser, Florida State University
Leila Lehnen, Brown University
Frank Nuessel, University of Louisville
Julio Ortega, Brown University
Silvia Rodriguez Sabater, College of Charleston
Lourdes Sánchez-López, U of Alabama at Birmingham
Joyce Tolliver, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sheri Spaine Long,
Editor, 2010-18
Theodore A. Sackett
Editor, 1984–92
Contact Domnita Dumitrescu, Book/Media Review Editor, if you are a publisher who is interested in having one of your books reviewed in Hispania, or if you are an author who is interested in reviewing a book.
Email: ddumitr@exchange.calstatela.edu
Hispania—A journal devoted to the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese published by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese publishes invited reviews on books and media related to language, linguistics, literature, literary criticism, film, culture, cultural studies, applied linguistics, and pedagogy having to do with Spanish and Portuguese. The reviews that are published are judged to be of interest to specialists in the discipline(s) as well as to a diverse readership of teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, and they should display thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the subject and field. Book/media reviews may be in Spanish, Portuguese, or English; however, we encourage authors to submit in Spanish and Portuguese.
Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
0.2 (2023)
0.3 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00034 (Eigenfactor™ Score)
Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
254 of 297 journals, in “Linguistics”
© Clarivate Analytics 2024
Published quarterly.
Readers include: Specialists in the discipline(s) as well as a diverse readership of teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.
The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) publishes quarterly its scholarly academic journal, Hispania, through Johns Hopkins University Press (JHUP). JHUP has rigorous standards to ensure a quality advertisement reproduction, which starts with the quality of the original file from the advertiser.
All print advertising for Hispania is coordinated by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP), not the Johns Hopkins University Press. Please follow Hispania's advertising guidelines in creating and submitting your advertisement for publication.
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