Health Communication

Acquisition Editor:  Matthew McAdam

Series Editor: Robin Jensen

The Health Communication series features rhetorical, critical, and qualitative studies projects exploring the discourses that constitute major health issues of today and the past. Books in the series provide a comprehensive illustration of how health and medicine are communicated to, with, and through diverse individuals and populations.

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Back-Alley Abortion
A Rhetorical History

Emily Winderman

Publication Date: October 7, 2025
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Doing Gender Justice
Queering Reproduction, Kin, and Care

Shui-yin Sharon Yam and Natalie Fixmer-Oraiz

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Doing Dignity
Ethical Praxis and the Politics of Care

Christa Teston

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Why Wellness Sells
Natural Health in a Pharmaceutical Culture

Colleen Derkatch

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