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Helene Hedian on Building Patient-Centered Trans Health Care
On this month's Hopkins Press Podcast, we talk with Helene Hedian, MD, Director of Clinical Education, Center for Transgender and Gender Expansive Health, discussing data in a new study published in the February 2024 edition of Journal of Health Care for the...
Hopkins Press Podcast 3.2 Helene Hedian on Building Patient-Centered Trans Healthcare Promotional Tile
Gabriela Lee on Reading Cinderella in the Philippines
We begin our third season of the Hopkins Press Podcast with an interview with speculative fiction author and children's literature scholar Gabriela Lee, whose recent article in Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, “When the Shoe Doesn't Fit: Reading...
Author photo of Gabriela Lee and the cover art for Children's LIterature Association Quarterly
Robert Karp on Redlining and Lead Poisoning
Our guest this week is Dr. Robert Karp, Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn. A native Philadelphian, he is a graduate of Central High School, Muhlenberg College and Thomas Jefferson University Medical College, did his...
Robert Karp, JHCPU
Scott Kushner on the History of Crowd Control
Joining us this week is Scott Kushner, Associate Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Rhode Island's Harrington School of Communication and Media. His scholarship and teaching explore the ways overlooked media give shape to our everyday...
Scott Kushner, Technology and Culture
Elizabeth Lanphier on the Translational Work of Bioethics
On this episode, we are joined by Elizabeth Lanphier, a faculty member in the Ethics Center and in the Division of General and Community Pediatrics at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. She is a philosopher and bioethicist affiliated faculty in the...
Elizabeth Lanphier, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
Jennifer Hochschild and David Beavers on Covid Conspiracy Theories
We are joined this episode by Jennifer Hochschild and David Beavers, both of Harvard University. Jennifer Hochschild is the Henry LaBarre Jayne Professor of Government and professor of African and African American studies at Harvard University. Her recent...
 Jennifer Hochschild and David Beavers, Social Research
Rafael Walker on Ernest Gaines's final nod to Toni Morrison
Last month, the United States Post office announced its 2023 slate of stamp designs, which includes tributes to writers Toni Morrison and Ernest Gaines, both of whom died in 2019. Our guest today, Dr. Rafael Walker, recently published a paper in the journal...
Rafael Walker, Arizona Quarterly
Nicholas Tilmes on the Fuzzy Edges of Psychiatric Diagnosis
Our guest today is Nicholas Tilmes, whose research focuses on the intersection of cognition, law, and technology, ranging from disability rights to neurotechnology and AI. He holds an M.A. in Bioethics from NYU and a B.A. in Philosophy & Psychology from...
Nicholas Tilmes, Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology