Hopkins Studies in Modernism

Acquisitions Editor: Matthew McAdam

Series Editor: Douglas Mao

Whether engaging aesthetic and formal dimensions of modernist art, or illuminating the connections of modernist literature to science, economics, or mass media, this series approaches modernism from a variety of theoretical perspectives. It brings the eclecticism and lively strangeness of modernist works themselves to scholarly discourse.

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Red Modernism
American Poetry and the Spirit of Communism

Mark Steven

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Poetic Modernism in the Culture of Mass Print

Bartholomew Brinkman

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Transatlantic Aliens
Modernism, Exile, and Culture in Midcentury America

Will Norman

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Modernism and Opera

edited by Richard Begam and Matthew Wilson Smith

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Putting Modernism Together
Literature, Music, and Painting, 1872–1927

Daniel Albright

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My Silver Planet
A Secret History of Poetry and Kitsch

Daniel Tiffany

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Sublime Noise
Musical Culture and the Modernist Writer

Josh Epstein

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Proust's Latin Americans

Rubén Gallo

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Optical Impersonality
Science, Images, and Literary Modernism

Christina Walter

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Collecting as Modernist Practice

Jeremy Braddock

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