Joining us this episode is Dr. Wendy Doniger. Dr. Doniger is the Mircea Eliade Distinguished Service Professor of the History of Religions at the University of Chicago, Emerita. She is the author of over forty books, including The Hindus: An Alternative History (2010), Hinduism in the Norton Anthology of World Religions (2014), The Ring of Truth: Tales of Sex and Jewelry (2017), Against Dharma: Dissent in the Ancient Indian Sciences of Sex and Politics (the 2014 Terry Lecture at Yale, 2018), The Donigers of Great Neck: A Mythologized Memoir (2019), Winged Stallions and Wicked Mares: Horses in Indian Myth and History (2021), An American Girl in India: Letters and Recollections, 1963-64 [2022] and After the War: The Last Books of the Mahabharata (2022).
The Summer 2022 issue of Social Research, Books That Matter II, invited notable scholars to select one book that had a deep and lasting influence on their thinking and life. Dr. Doniger's essay, "My Life in Wonderland", explores the many ways the work of Lewis Carroll has held a special place in her heart. She joined us to discuss her essay and how Carroll's work has threaded through her scholarly work, as well.