1. At the start of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, a maternity hospital was forced to close.
As one of the poorest countries in the world, Sierra Leone has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world; approximately 900 women die in childbirth per 100,000 live births. In comparison, the rate in the US is 21 per 100,000. To help reduce these preventable deaths, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins sans Frontières ran a maternity hospital near the town of Bo. Before the Ebola outbreak in 2014, they had more than 2,500 emergency obstetric and gynecologic admissions per year. They saved thousands of lives every year. In October 2014, they announced a suspension of services.
Without a maternity hospital many women and children would have likely died; not merely from Ebola, but from other conditions that went untreated due to the weak health system. A study published in the World Journal of Surgery helps to illustrate the massive need in Sierra Leone. The report compared Sierra Leone's hospitals in 2008 with US Civil War hospitals of 1864. The US hospitals were much better equipped, had power and running water, and could do amputations and abdominal surgery; the hospitals in Sierra Leone could not.
2. Surgical symptoms can be mistaken for Ebola
Although bleeding is what most people think about with Ebola, it is a late symptom of the disease. Ebola patients have an incubation period of 21 days and initial signs and symptoms can be nausea, vomiting, fever, and/or generalized aches and pains. Unfortunately, most of these are non-specific and are especially common in some surgical conditions. A bleeding stomach ulcer, an infected broken bone, a fever, or even malaria might be mistaken for Ebola.
According to the World Health Organization, during the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak there were 28,616 confirmed cases with 11,310 deaths in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. What we do not know is the number of people who died or are permanently disabled because they could not get proper health care, including surgery, even though they were not infected with Ebola.
3. Two of the 10 surgeons in Sierra Leone died of Ebola during the outbreak
Prior to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa there were only 10 surgeons in Sierra Leone for a population of 6 million. Ebola caused the death of two of them, 20% of the workforce. The loss of these specialists severely impacted surgical care delivery, but also highlighted the massive need that existed prior to the outbreak. A study in 2008 quantified the surgical capacity of hospitals in Sierra Leone. Unsurprising to those who worked there, most hospitals had no running water, could not perform common procedures, had deficient infrastructure, and lacked basic equipment and supplies.
Ebola had a profound effect on the delivery of health care. It also was responsible for the deaths of many healthcare workers and created distrust between the population and the health system.
4. Despite the risks, it is possible to safely operate during an outbreak
Although the prospects of providing surgical care in the midst of an outbreak seem daunting, surgeons and other healthcare workers were able to devise appropriate protocols and use protective gear to both provide safe care and remain safe themselves. It wasn't easy, but it was—and is—possible.
Lessons learned on staying safe while wearing personal protective equipment were:
(Reprinted from Operation Ebola: Surgical Care during the West African Outbreak, page 71)
5. Official guidelines for surgical care and Ebola are still lacking
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the government institution that makes recommendations on many aspects of health care. While they have issued guidance on universal precautions to protect healthcare workers and on Ebola, there are no official guidelines for surgical care and Ebola. The American College of Surgeons has a "Surgical Protocol for Possible or Confirmed Ebola Cases."
For more about surgical care and Ebola, order a copy of Operation Ebola: Surgical Care during the West African Outbreak. It is the 3rd book in the Operation Health series of global surgery books published by JHU Press.
Sherry M. Wren, MD, FACS, FCS(ECSA), is a professor of surgery at Stanford University School of Medicine, where she is the director of global surgery for the Center for Innovation in Global Health. The director of clinical surgery at the Palo Alto Veterans Health Care System, she has worked in low-resources settings around the world. Adam L. Kushner, MD, MPH, FACS, is an associate in the Department of International Health and a faculty member in the Center for Refugee and Disaster Response at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The founding director of Surgeons OverSeas, he has provided surgical care to patients in conflict, post-conflict, and disaster settings around the world. He is the editor of Operation Health: Surgical Care in the Developing World and Operation Crisis: Surgical Care in the Developing World during Conflict and Disaster.