We're celebrating Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month this May with a selection of recent journal articles spanning the Hopkins Press catalog!
We lead off with the new season of the Hopkins Press Podcast, we interview Gabriela Lee about her recent viral-hit article in Children's Literature Association Quarterly: "When the Shoe Doesn't Fit: Reading Cinderella as Colonial Children's Literature in the Philippines"
And we proceed with articles from Journal of Asian American Studies, American Quarterly, Asian Perspective, Theatre Journal, Feminist Formations, Arizona Quarterly, Children's Literature Association Quarterly, and Bookbird on topics including pedagogies in Asian American studies; Filipino penal colonies; Kurdish and Korean diasporas; a symposium on Mel Gurtov's Engaging China; Lee Isaac Chung's Minari; the Asian American outdoors; and much more!
We've made all of these articles freely accessible through 31 May 2024!