Nearly 50 years ago, The Autism Society declared April Autism Awareness Month - a time when organizations and individuals work together to increase awareness, understanding, and acceptance of people with autism. As medical research continues to work towards understanding the condition, academics too have made great contributions to a deeper understanding of Autism and the experience of those living along the spectrum. Many JHU Press journals - ranging in subject matter from psychology to ethics, publish research and critical thinking that touches on those with autism. Here is a selection of titles, though many more are available (now with free access) on Project Muse.
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics
Volume 2, Number 3, Winter 2012
Symposium: Parenting Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Transition to Adulthood
Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology
Volume 26, Number 3, September 2019
An Anthropological Perspective on Autism
Literature and Medicine
Volume 25, Number 1, Spring 2006
Mindblindness: Autism, Writing, and the Problem of Empathy
Feminist Formations
Volume 30, Issue 1, Spring 2018
The Desire to Recognize the Undesirable: De/Constructing the Autism Epidemic Metaphor and Contagion in Autism as a Discourse
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal
Volume 23, Number 2, June 2013
Autism Spectrum Disorders, Risk Communication, and the Problem of Inadvertent Harm
African American Review
Volume 50, Number 2, Summer 2017
Avonte's Law: Autism, Wandering, and the Racial Surveillance of Neurological Difference
Journal of College Student Development
Volume 58, Number 1, January 2017
College Experiences for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Personal Identity, Public Disclosure, and Institutional Support
The Lion and the Unicorn
Volume 40, Number 1, January 2016
A “Curious Incident”: Representations of Autism in Children’s Detective Fiction
Library Trends
Volume 67, Number 3, Winter 2019
Beyond Sensory Story Time: An Intersectional Analysis of Information Seeking Among Parents of Autistic Individuals