John T. Irwin, editor of The Hopkins Review, describes the magazine as “a literary, cultural quarterly.” In its first five years, the Review has published significant pieces of fiction and poetry, but the pages also feature insightful reviews as well as other forms of art. In the Summer 2011 issue, Johns Hopkins faculty member Phyllis A. Berger contributed the first-ever photography collection to an issue of the Review. The Seven Photographs of Ireland and Brittany stood by themselves with only basic identification about the landscapes Berger had photographed. As we mulled over subjects for our video series “In Other Words,” this photo essay jumped out as a logical candidate. The photos told a wonderful story, but we only knew the beginning. There had to be more lurking underneath the black and white images. After watching the second installment of this new series, you’ll see how our hunch played out. Berger shows off some of the images in color and gives insight into her decisions about composition, light, and other key elements which turn photographs into art.