If you are heading to the Modern Language Association meeting in Vancouver, BC, from January 8 to 11, be sure to browse JHU Press books and journals at booth #117. Press authors will be stopping by, and we'll offer 30% discount throughout the meeting—and free shipping in the US and Canada for orders placed at the booth! Read more about the conference on the MLA annual meeting website, and check out these new and forthcoming books from JHUP:
The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media, edited by Marie-Laure Ryan, Lori Emerson, and Benjamin J. Robertson
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Fiction: “An Almost Theatrical Innocence,” by John T. Irwin
Wikipedia U: Knowledge, Authority, and Liberal Education in the Digital Age, by Thomas Leitch
Collecting Shakespeare: The Story of Henry and Emily Folger, by Stephen H. Grant
Academic Capitalism in the Age of Globalization, edited by Brendan Cantwell and Ilkka Kauppinen, foreword by Sheila Slaughter
Listening to Trauma: Conversations with Leaders in the Theory and Treatment of Catastrophic Experience, interviews and photography by Cathy Caruth
Designing the New American University, by Michael M. Crow and William B. Dabars
Freedom Time: The Poetics and Politics of Black Experimental Writing, by Anthony Reed
An Introduction to German Pietism: Protestant Renewal at the Dawn of Modern Europe, by Douglas H. Shantz, foreword by Peter C. Erb
All Joking Aside: American Humor and Its Discontents, by Rebecca Krefting
The Lyric Theory Reader: A Critical Anthology, edited by Virginia Jackson and Yopie Prins
Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe, Fortieth-Anniversary Edition, by Hayden White, with a new preface by the author and a foreword by Michael S. Roth