Readings, talks, and conferences fill the April calendar

Events and conferences will keep JHUP authors and staff extra busy this month. Zocalo Public Square hosts Arizona State President Michael Crow, author of Designing the New American University, for a discussion with New York Times columnist Frank Bruni and Chronicle of Higher Education editor Liz McMillen. Authors Michael Burlingame and Charley Mitchell participate in events to  mark the 150th anniversary of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Wyatt Prunty reads from his latest book of poetry at the Celebration of Southern Literature. We’ll welcome JHU alums for the annual Alumni Weekend tours of the Press, and our staff will show the flag for books, journals, and Project MUSE in New Orleans, Chicago, and New Haven. As always, please help spread the word about JHUP activities this month!
14 April 2015 Project MUSE Exhibit - Pop Culture Association New Orleans, LA Information: Pop Culture Association Annual Meeting
Crow jacket2 April 2015, 7:00 p.m. Zocalo Public Square Discussion & Book Signing - Michael Crow Designing the New American University with Frank Bruni and Liz McMillen Rand Corporation 1776 Main Street Santa Monica, CA On Thursday, April 2nd, at 7:00 p.m. JHUP author Michael Crow joins New York Times columnist Frank Bruni in a Zocalo Public Square discussion, “What Are Universities For?” Liz McMillen, editor of The Chronicle of Higher Education, will moderate. Arizona State University President Michael M. Crow, coauthor of Designing the New American University, and New York Times columnist Frank Bruni, author of Where You Go Is Not Who You’ll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania, visit Zócalo to discuss who universities should serve and what problems they should be solving. Admission: Free; reservations required at Zocalo Public Square.
Travels7 April 2015, 12:30 pm Johns Hopkins Club Lunch & Lecture Charles Mitchell “Remembering Lincoln With comments drawn from his books Travels through American History in the Mid-Atlantic: A Guide for All Ages and Maryland Voices of the Civil War Johns Hopkins Club, Homewood campus Baltimore, MD Charles Mitchell’s Hopkins Club lecture on historic travel quickly sold out last fall, so he is back on the eve of the 150th anniversary of the Lincoln assassination (April 15) to draw on his two books, Travels through American History in the Mid-Atlantic and Maryland Voices of the Civil War. He will discuss discuss our region’s wealth of historic sites related to the 16th president and to consider the reactions of Marylanders to his death in 1865. Admission: $20; Club members contact the Club to register; non-members contact Jack Holmes at 410-516-6928 to attend as guests of the Press.
Just_One_of_the_Kids11 April 2015 Book Signing - Kay Harris Kriegsman & Sara Palmer Just One of the Kids: Raising a Resilient Family When One of Your Children Has a Physical Disability World of Possibilities Expo Hilton Washington DC/Rockville Rockville, MD Information: World of Possibilities Expos 
Prunty_cover18 April, 10:45 a.m. Reading & Book Signing - Wyatt Prunty Couldnt Prove, Had to Promise Celebration of Southern Literature Chattanooga, TN Wyatt Prunty, the current Chancellor of the Fellowship of Southern Writers, reads from his new book of poetry in a featured program at the Celebration of Southern Literature. Information: Celebration of Southern Literature
16–20 April 2015 JHU Press Exhibit - American Educational Research Association Chicago, IL Information: American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
16-19 April 2015 JHU Press Exhibit - Organization of American Historians St. Louis, MO Information: Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting
17–18 April 2015 JHU Press Book Sale & Building Tour Johns Hopkins Alumni Weekend Baltimore, MD Information: 410-516-6928
29 April–3 May 2015 JHU Press Exhibit - American Association for History of Medicine New Haven, CT Information: American Association for History of Medicine Annual Meeting
Lincoln_Vol230 April 2015, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Symposium & Lecture - Michael Burlingame Abraham Lincoln: A Life University of Illinois Springfields Lincoln Symposium “Mourning Father Abraham: Lincoln’s Assassination and the Public’s Response Brookens Auditorium Springfield, IL Michael Burlingame, author of our acclaimed two-volume Abraham Lincoln: A Life, will be a featured speaker at the Lincoln Symposium at the University of Illinois Springfield marking the 150th anniversary of the death of the 16th president. Information: Lectures are free and open to the public. UIS will host a live webcast of the symposium.  
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