We consulted Project MUSE for a tallly of the most-read articles from Hopkins Press Journals in March 2024 and for the third consecutive month, our most-read article was "For Democratic Governance of Universities: The Case for Administrative Abolition" in Theory & Event. And if you want more, the authors of this hit article wrote about the development of their article for the Hopkins Press Blog.
March's Top 20 also includes articles from: Journal of College Student Development, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies, Christianity & Literature, Journal of Democracy, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, TAPA, Journal of Women's History, Journal of Supreme Court History, Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality, Hispania, Twentieth-Century China, Social Research: An International Quarterly, Journal of Jewish Identities, The French Review, Library Trends, Technology and Culture, Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, and Shakespeare Bulletin
Read the full list below!