World AIDS Day, started in 1998 and observed each year on December 1, is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people with HIV, and remember those who have died from HIV-related illness.
The JHU Press Journals division has curated a collection of articles discussing this important topic, reflecting subjects varying from prevention and education to language and narrative. It is our hope these scholarly papers will give readers a deep sense of the challenges this disease continues to raise worldwide, and of the important work being done to increase awareness and compassion around it.
All articles below are freely available until December 31, 2020.
African American Older Adults Living with HIV: Exploring Stress, Stigma, and Engagement in HIV Care
Lesley M. Harris, Timothy N. Crawford, Jelani C. Kerr, Tammi Alvey Thomas, and Verena Schmidt
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, Volume 31, Number 1, February 2020
Dance-Floor Dramaturgy: Unlearning the Shame and Stigma of HIV through Theatre
Ben Buratta
Theatre Topics, Volume 30, Number 2, July 2020
Building Partnerships and Stakeholder Relationships for HIV Prevention: Longitudinal Cohort Study Focuses on Community Engagement
Rondalya D. DeShields, Jonathan Paul Lucas, Melissa Turner, Kemi Amola, Valarie Hunter, Stephanie Lykes, Anne M. Rompalo, Sten H. Vermund, Suzanne Fischer, and Danielle F. Haley
Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action
Volume 14, Issue 1, Spring 2020
Embodying HIV and AIDS Information: Experiences of Serodiscordant Couples
Kondwani Wella and Sheila Webber
Library Trends, Volume 66, Number 4, Spring 2018
Metaphors of Contagion and the Autoimmune Body
Beth A. Ferri
Feminist Formations, Volume 30, Issue 1, Spring 2018
Humoral Immunity in Recent HIV/AIDS Narratives
Enda McCaffrey
L'Esprit Créateur, Volume 56, Number 2, Summer 2016
Human Rights, Gender, and Infectious Disease: From HIV/AIDS to Ebola
Lara Stemple, Portia Karegeya, and Sofia Gruskin
Human Rights Quarterly, Volume 38, Number 4, November 2016
Closing the Gaps in Pediatric HIV/AIDS Care, One Step at a Time
Lisa V. Adams, Helga Naburi, Goodluck Lyatuu, Paul Palumbo, and C. Fordham von Reyn
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics, Volume 38, Number 4, November 2016
Developing Student Understanding of HIV/AIDS Through Community Service-Learning: A Case Study Analysis
Susan R. Jones and Elisa S. Abes
Journal of College Student Development, Volume 44, Number 4, July/August 2003
Japan Addresses the Global HIV/AIDS Crisis: The Roles of Media and Civil Society in Shaping Perceptions and Aid
Young Soo Kim
Asian Perspective, Volume 39, Number 3, July-September 2015
“Compassionate Leave”? : HIV/AIDS and Collective Responsibility in Ingrid de Kok’s Terrestrial Things
Sarah Brophy and Susan Spearey
Literature and Medicine, Volume 26, Number 2, Fall 2007