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The unexpected gift of Zika
In no way do I want to minimize the serious complications of Zika. However, the media buzz surrounding Zika offers an unexpected gift- effective STI (sexually transmitted infection) education. What is Zika doing that AIDS did not? Zika normalizes TALKING about...
On Technology and Learning
From our seventh floor campus offices, we can visually track the slower pace of summer morphing into the bustle of back-to-school. One day the campus is sleepy. The next, the perimeter of the campus fills with mini-vans and out pour freshmen, their families...
An Open Letter to Parents
Dear Parents of Prospective College Students (and that means anyone with children under age 18), Both of my parents were the first in their families to go to college. My mother was the only child of Italian immigrants who believed deeply in the value of...
The New American Dilemma: An Agenda Item for Higher Education
This is a critical time for our nation. Given the confluence of the rapid demographic changes that are occurring in America, the tremendous progress in science and technology that is taking place in developing countries, the serious shortcomings of our public...
Waves of Change: We Can Do Better
The waves of change in American higher education are far from over. The imperative for innovation is driven by an accelerating rate of change in society—accelerating in complexity, economic challenges, diversity and size. Yet despite this burgeoning need...
Win, Learn, or Draw: 5 Knowledge Games you should know about
Want to make some really BIG changes this school year? What about making some changes through games? That’s right—games, of all things—can help make change and solve real-world problems. A lot of people mention classic educational games like Oregon Trail or...