Killing Season: A Paramedic's Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Opioid Epidemic
When I started as a 911 paramedic on the streets of Hartford, Connecticut over twenty-five years ago, I believed drug users were victims of their own character flaws. They lacked personal responsibility and their behavior was criminal. Keep using drugs, I’d...

Ending Sexual Violence in College
Covid-19 is having a devastating effect on the US population. It has been estimated that the virus has affected 8.7% of the population. It is headline news on every media outlet. Sexual assaults affect an estimated 20% of the female population on college...

Take Control of Your Drinking
I am a clinical psychologist who has worked with individuals who struggle with alcohol for over 35 years. Over the years, I discovered that how I was originally trained to work with people who suffer from alcohol use, while valid and useful for many, was not...

Corporatizing American Healthcare: How We Lost Our Health Care System
A number of career pathways appeared before me after I finished medical school and advanced specialty training. I chose Academic Emergency Medicine at a University Medical Center, which provided time for research, teaching, and direct patient care. Over the...

The US Health Care Industry and COVID-19
Although the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 contains only 15 genes in comparison with 30,000 in the human genome, it has been a powerful adversary. Indeed, the core paradox of U.S. health care – that our nation has the worst population health among high-income...

The Political Determinants of Health
In The Political Determinants of Health, author Daniel E. Dawes examines how policy and politics influence the social conditions that generate health outcomes. The following passage is an excerpt from the book. Moving beyond Merely Nibbling at the Edges...

Trust in Peer Review
by Robin W. Coleman Trust is at the core of scholarly endeavor, of how we communicate scholarship, and it’s also at the heart of public health. Now, more than ever, we can draw straight lines between all of these. As the editor for Public Health at Johns...

Achieving Health for All: Primary Health Care in Action
What makes a person healthy? Before 2020, most people in high-income countries would have said: good personal choices and good health insurance. After 2020, people everywhere—rich and poor alike—realize that their own good choices were not enough. Now, the...

Collected Blog Series: Well-Being in the Age of COVID-19
At the beginning of the 2020 coronavirus crisis, we reached out to Johns Hopkins University Press authors – experts in fields of health and wellness – for their advice on how to weather this unprecedented storm. We happily received, read through, and published...

Possible Implications of the Novel Coronavirus for Mood Disorders
By Merry Noel Miller, M.D. Feelings of anxiety, despair, and even suicidal thoughts may increase during the current pandemic. These feelings are especially likely to develop among those who are more vulnerable due to a mood disorder. Some will feel new...