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Reading Jane Austen with Vladimir Nabokov
Guest post by Janine Barchas Great writers are great readers. And nothing dials up the magnification on a book like the green-eyed gaze of a fellow author. In 2014, many Jane Austen fans have been rereading what is arguably her darkest and most difficult novel...
Reflecting on Wallace Stevens
Guest post by Natalie Gerber On Thursday at noon, Wallace Stevens’ poetry will be the focus of a program sponsored by the U. S. poet laureate Charles Wright. The program, which is free and open to the public, will present two poets, Jennifer Michael Hecht and...
Don't miss the Baltimore Book Festival, September 26–28
Johns Hopkins University Press and the George Peabody Library are jointly hosting the JHU Press Book Sale along with talks, book signings, and special exhibits. Visit us at the 2014 Baltimore Book Festival in the beautiful Baltimore Visitor Center overlooking...
Starfish, icons of the sea
Guest post by John M. Lawrence Starfish rarely receive widespread public notice. The explosion of populations of crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) on the Great Barrier Reef in the 1960s, which received world-wide attention, is an exception. However...
The Press Reads: Trees of Life
Our occasional Friday series on the blog, The Press Reads, features short excerpts from recent JHUP books. We hope to whet your appetite and inspire additions to your reading list. Today's selection is drawn from the preface of Trees of Life: A Visual History...
A Pequot at the Battle of Plattsburgh in 1814
Guest post by Carl Benn We normally think of native people in the War of 1812 participating in traditional war parties, which is accurate for the vast majority of the Iroquoian, Algonquian, Siouan, and Muskogean peoples of eastern North America who took up...
A star-spangled path to writing a book
Guest post by Marc Ferris In 1996, while sitting in a graduate history seminar at Stony Brook University, I searched for a topic to write about. My professors indulged my inquiry into the culture clash between United States authorities and headhunting tribes...
Damage to the Large Hadron Collider
Guest post by Don Lincoln A spark. That’s all it was . . . just a little spark . . . in a vacuum, no less. It sounds so harmless. What could it hurt? Let’s see how the story unfolds.Well, time, which is measured in microseconds at this point, moved on. The...
JHU Press events in September: Star-Spangled (and then some)
September is shaping up to be a banner month for JHU Press authors and staff—and decidedly star-spangled here in Baltimore. This month, the city hosts the Star-Spangled Spectacular to celebrate the bicentennial of the Battle of Baltimore and the moment when...