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America's Bloodiest War
Guest Post by Michael C. C. Adams Over a period of years, I steadily collected the documentary materials necessary for taking an unflinching look at the human cost of the Civil War. The resulting book, Living Hell, appears at a key moment in our remembrance of...
April/May news and new books
Enter code HDPD at checkout to receive a 30% discount on all books featured in this blog post or mention this code when calling in your order at 1-800-537-5487. News and Notes/Praise and Reviews Doris Iarovici, M.D., author of Mental Health Issues and the...
Finish What You Started
by Michele Callaghan, Manuscript Editing I know that many of you are, like me, once or current aspiring writers. Through my blogs, I have pontificated on the correct way to handle all sorts of parts of speech and random bits of punctuation. But now I want to...
Doctors Without Borders in Action
Sociologist Renée C. Fox considers how communications from Médecins San Frontières/Doctors Without Borders keep her connected with the achievements, trials, dreams, and values of medical humanitarian action. She is the author of Doctors Without Borders...
We speak for the trees!
Guest Post by Angela Sorby Arbor Day is on April 25th this year, but its—um—roots trace back to 1872, when the journalist J. Sterling Morton organized schoolchildren to plant a million trees in the State of Nebraska. By the turn of the century, tree-planting...
In Other Words: Journal of Democracy
Journal of Democracy Co-Editor Marc F. Plattner discusses "Democratization and Authoritarianism in the Arab World," the upcoming book of essays from the journal on developments in the Middle East over the past few years. Beginning in December 2010, a series of...
The Bard's Birthday
Guest post by Stephen H. Grant The Bard Will was born on the same day he died—and no one knows for sure on what day he was born. No birth certificate has been found for William Shakespeare. The closest thing is a baptism certificate dated April 26, 1564, in...
About “Easter Sundays”
Guest post by Daniel Anderson “Easter Sundays” is a poem that begins with a meditation about a quiet and evanescent domestic perfection, then attempts to apprehend a couple of questions regarding what it means to feel at home in this world, and just how...
Using advance directives as tools
Guest Post by Dan Morhaim The tools are here. We just need to use them. These tools offer something rare and important in our modern medical system: an opportunity to exert influence. I am talking about advance directives, the powerful instruments that allow...