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Personalized medicine: Are we there yet?
Guest post by Sue Friedman, DVM Recommendations in preventive care and screenings have long been based on average risks for the general population. Heart disease, for example, is on average a later-onset disease, so most children and young adults are not...
Do you have the right to tell your own story?
Guest post by James M. DuBois, DSc, PhD Publishing shares something in common with roller coasters: The rewards are strongly and positively correlated with the capacity to instill fright. A group of us recently started a new journal, Narrative Inquiry in...
Tea time?
With the Iowa caucuses behind us and the New Hampshire primary ahead, let’s take stock of one of the relative newcomers to Washington politics. The Tea Party rose to prominence with President Barack Obama's election and the ensuing fight over health insurance...
Out of Iraq
Guest post by Robert N. McLay, M.D., Ph.D. Welcome back, vets . . . I hope that you really make it home, not just physically, but that you settle into all the happiness and peace that you have earned. So as many of you know, the war ended on a Thursday. This...
New Year's resolution: advance directive
Guest post by Dan Morhaim, M.D. Humans are the only creatures that can contemplate their own demise. They might as well get ready for it. The best way to avoid an unwanted death panel is to set up your own. --Jay Hancock, "Plan your end-of-life care or others...
Big Ideas
by Dean Smith, Director, Project MUSE One must be drenched in words, literally soaked in them, to have the right ones form themselves into the proper pattern at the right moment. —Hart Crane I first discovered the books of the Johns Hopkins University Press...