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Weeding Out the Facts: A Scientific Exploration of Cannabis
A witty, engaging, in-depth, and evidence-based look at how cannabis affects our brains.
How Boards Lead Small Colleges - Seeking Trustees to Strengthen Colleges Ignored by Most but Needed by Many
When Howard Dean visited the Democratic headquarters where I was volunteering in 2016, I asked: “Hillary has promised to set aside $25 billion for HBCUs and to make public universities tuition-free. What is she going to do for the numerous small private...

A Legacy of Usable Scholarship
Since 1938, the College English Association has served academics who seek to keep teaching college students as the focus of the profession. Its official publication, The CEA Critic, recently published a double issue commemorating its 80th anniversary with...

When News and Education Meet
Today marks the 147th anniversary of the 1870 Education Act, which established compulsory schooling in England and Wales for children between the ages of 5 and 12. A recent special issue of Victorian Periodicals Review took a look at the relationship between...

Mourning the End of an All Around Education
Sara Dreyfuss currently serves as the Managing Editor of the journal portal: Libraries and the Academy, but she previously worked as the editorial director of the World Book Encyclopedia. Dreyfuss wrote an essay called "Out of Print" about the disappearance of...

Achieving the “Greater Good”: Is Lack of Education Beyond High School the Culprit?
The main cause and best permanent solution to the populist dissatisfaction that led to the 2016 electoral revolt in the US and in Europe lies in the issues discussed in this book. Colleges and universities do not produce students, they produce human capital...
OAH: Universities and Their Cities
As scholars of American history meeting in New Orleans, we certainly do not need to be reminded of this city’s dynamic history. Nor do we need to be reminded of the complex history of America’s urbanization and the growth of its cities. Yet historians of...

Behind the Book: Critical Educational Psychology
Have you ever wondered why Piaget is a household name in any discourse related to child development? Although Piaget’s theory is well ensconced in schooling discourse, Vygotsky’s view of human development is gaining a great deal of traction. Why? Grit is...

Influences on Higher Education Rulemaking
Regulations that govern the implementation and administration of federal programs and policies under the Higher Education Act are created through the higher education rulemaking process. In my book, “Higher Education Rulemaking: The Politics of Creating...

Meet Students Where They Are: Behavioral Insights to Increase College Completion
Across the country, millions of students have returned to college campuses to continue their postsecondary education. Students have moved back into dorms, reacquainted with friends, started another semester of courses. As someone who has worked with students...

For 35 years as a faculty member and administrator, I have helped students start college. Here are my ABCs of getting started.
A. Ask questions. And then ask more questions. What a wonderful opportunity you have for at least the first few weeks, if not the whole year. No one expects you to know everything, and everyone is pleased when you ask questions. Imagine you are a detective...