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Coping with Behavioral Addictions During COVID-19
By Jon E. Grant, JD, MD, MPH Although much has been written about stay-at-home orders and people with substance addiction, little if anything has been said about how the shelter-in-place affects the approximately 10-15% of Americans (i.e. upwards of 48 million...
The “Hidden Pandemic” - The Psychological Impact of COVID-19
By George S. Everly, Jr., PhD, ABPP The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Author: The Johns Hopkins Guide to Psychological First Aid (JHU Press); Rodney Makes a Friend: Helping Your Child Develop...
Defending Privilege – Q&A with author Nicole Mansfield Wright
Some reviewers have described Defending Privilege as an explainer of the historical roots of our current political warfare. How does your book illuminate current events?These days, government leaders, cable hosts, journalists, and protestors are battling to...
A Bloomsday Collection
“From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step.” - James Joyce Bloomsday, June 16, is a celebration of the life of Irish writer James Joyce. Joyce's best known work, Ulysses, widely considered one of the most important works of modernist literature, follows...
Resource Management for Colleges and Universities
Resource Management for Colleges and Universities presents a new set of concepts and tools for what I have come to call Academic Resourcing (AR). “AR” covers not just a college’s or university’s academic planning and budgeting processes, but everything that...
Food Insecurity on Campus: Action and Intervention
The current higher education system is failing too many of our students and communities. Approximately half of undergraduates – and especially those from historically marginalized and disadvantaged communities – report that they are struggling to meet basic...
Author Muriel Gillick discusses “The Caregiver’s Encyclopedia"
Muriel Gillick, author of The Caregiver’s Encyclopedia: A Compassionate Guide to Caring for Older Adults, summarizes the uses of her helpful book for two different audiences: family caregivers, and physicians. Watch the videos on YouTube at the following links...