Running We Know Not Whither: 1788 vs. 2016
For someone who spends much of her time in the eighteenth century, studying men like James Madison and George Washington, the specter of Donald Trump as a standard-bearer for our American Republic is astounding. Sure, the country has convulsed before...

Confronting Child Death
Late last year, the Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth published a special issue which took a look at the thorny subject of child death. Kathleen Jones organized a discussion of young people and death at the 2013 conference for the Society for the...

Spring books preview: religion
We’re excited about the books we’ll be publishing this spring—and we're pleased to start off the new year with a series of posts that highlight our forthcoming titles. Be sure to check out the online edition of JHUP’s entire Spring 2016 catalog, and remember...

Spring books preview: history & culture
We’re excited about the books we’ll be publishing this spring—and we're pleased to start off the new year with a series of posts that highlight our forthcoming titles. Be sure to check out the online edition of JHUP’s entire Spring 2016 catalog, and remember...

A checkup of Late Antiquity
In late 2015, the Journal of Late Antiquity published a special issue on the intersections of religion, medicine, health, healing and disability in Late Antiquity. Guest edited by Kristi Upson-Saia and Heidi Marx-Wolf, the issue featured 10 essays on this...

Strange love of linen, or how I learned to stop an arrow (and enjoy the process)
Guest post by Scott Bartell I blame Alexander the Great. Because of him, I've had to pore over close to a hundred ancient Greek and Roman texts, repeatedly scan and document armor variations on over a thousand Greek vase paintings and sculptures, learn more...
Deciphering mile posts along the tracks
Guest post by Richard C. Carpenter. When we drive along the interstate highway system, we measure our progress by mile markers, which are placed just off the right shoulder of the roadway. Interstate standards require that they be measured from zero at the...
Will the real model for Pemberley please step forward?
Guest post by Janine Barchas Today marks the start of the annual gathering of the Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA), hosted this year in Minneapolis. This particular meeting celebrates the bicentennial of Pride and Prejudice (first published in 1813...
Unearthing rare images and unique stories of African American Civil War soldiers
Guest post by Ronald S. Coddington After my second book, Faces of the Confederacy, debuted in 2008, colleagues and friends asked me about my next project. I answered that African American soldiers would be the focus of my next volume. My reply was met with a...