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A New Reading of World War I American Literature with Keith Gandal
One hundred years after U.S. involvement in World War I, it is time to revisit our literature that came out of that conflict--because we are only now, finally, able to understand it in its actual historical context. That is the purpose of my new book, War Isn...
PCHP Gets New Editorial Team
A new editorial team has been chosen to lead the groundbreaking journal Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action (PCHP). Alvin H. Strelnick, Assistant Dean for Community Engagement at New York's Albert Einstein College of...
Program Resumed
Almost two decades ago, Pennsylvania State University professor Brian Lennon published an article in the journal Configurations. As he looked for a home for a recent article on the history of JavaScript, he found that his old article marked the only use of the...
Malaria and War in the Age of Jackson with C.S. Monaco
Among the many unexpected findings that I uncovered while researching my book on the Second Seminole War (1835-1842), the most startling was the major role of malaria. Previous historians of this often-marginalized war have focused on traditional wartime...
Examining Medical Futility
The journal Perspectives in Biology and Medicine recently published a special issue on decisions involving medical futility. The issue features 21 responses to a paper written by Lawrence J. Schneiderman, Nancy S. Jecker and Albert R. Jonsen. Editor Martha...
The Art of Writing Carefully with Sara Taber
CHANCE PARTICULARS: A WRITER’S FIELD NOTEBOOK… Why did I write Chance Particulars, a guide to keeping a field notebook? Most of my books, I have written spurred by my own curiosity or lust, or from a need to sort something out--books about the creeds of lonely...