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Jewish History Journal Gets New Leadership
A new editorial team has taken over at American Jewish History, a journal with more than 100 years of history. This time, a trio of editors will lead the quarterly for the next five years. Kirsten Fermaglich (Michigan State University), Adam Mendelsohn...
Mourning the End of an All Around Education
Sara Dreyfuss currently serves as the Managing Editor of the journal portal: Libraries and the Academy, but she previously worked as the editorial director of the World Book Encyclopedia. Dreyfuss wrote an essay called "Out of Print" about the disappearance of...
Triumph and Trouble: India at 70
Today marks the seventieth anniversary of India’s independence. The Journal of Democracy included a series of papers on this milestone in its July issue. We are re-printing the editor’s introduction to this cluster of papers, which can be found online at...
To Be Online
Earlier this year, Shakespeare Quarterly took an important step and launched a brand-new website to showcase content from the journal as well as innovative Shakesperean scholarship outside the traditional print product. Journal editor Gail Kern Paster, also...