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Democracy in Decline?
Guest post by Condoleezza Rice To celebrate the recent publication of Democracy in Decline?, edited by the Journal of Democracy’s Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner, we are pleased to offer this excerpt from the book’s Foreword by Condoleezza Rice. Don't miss...
An interview with author Sean Condon
Guest post by Natalie Guajardo Several years ago, author Sean Condon and JHU Press editor Bob Brugger began discussing ideas for a book that would fit JHUP’s highly-regarded Witness to History series—short works meant to appeal to students through narrative...
Reflections on "Signposts"
Over the past few issues, the journal American Jewish History has introduced a new feature to each issue—"Signposts: Reflections on Articles from the Journal’s Archive." These articles give scholars a chance to "reflect upon some of the most significant...
My summer at the Press: a bookworm’s tale
Guest post by Yasmine Kaminsky Growing up in a suburb, summer meant two things to me: ice cream and books. If I was lucky, the two came hand in hand. Most afternoons, my brother and I, snow cone devotees, strained our ears to be the first to hear “The...
Reflections on the Bicentennial of the War of 1812
Guest post by Donald R. Hickey With the completion of a small conference on the legacy of the War of 1812 in Rostrevor, Northern Ireland, over the July 4th weekend, the commemoration of the Bicentennial of our “forgotten conflict” appears to be over. For those...
Enjoying nature in Maryland during the month of August
Guest post by Bryan MacKay The dog days of summer may be here, but there are still wonderful reasons to get outside in Maryland this month. For inspiration, we offer the following August excerpt from Bryan MacKay’s A Year across Maryland, his week-by-week...
Book Trailer: Plutocracy in America
The growing gap between the most affluent Americans and the rest of society is changing the country into one defined—more than almost any other developed nation—by exceptional inequality of income, wealth, and opportunity. This book reveals that an...
Late-night talk shows (or what keeps me up at night)
Guest post by Rebecca Krefting I’m a worrier. I worry that I will sleep walk and chug turpentine (it happens). I worry that I will throw myself off a cliff given the right opportunity (that’s a thing). I worry that my neighbor’s cat will give me poison ivy...