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Challenges of Early Modern Women
A recent special issue of L'Esprit Createur honored Régine Reynolds-Cornell, professor emerita of French at Agnes Scott College, whose research focused on women writers in the Renaissance, especially Marguerite de Navarre. Judy Kem, associate professor in the...
Obsolete Again?
by Seth A. Johnston At his first press conference following the election, the president reiterated statements made on the campaign trail that NATO – the Western alliance defending Europe and North America for decades – was “obsolete.” The year was 1966, and...
Behind the Book: The Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798
I have been teaching a class called Liberty vs. Security about the politics of speech from Colonial America through the Civil War for a few years. In this class, we talk about when and why American governments have (or attempted) to limit speech, whether these...