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Surviving Infidelity: How to Heal and Rebuild Trust
A compassionate guide to help couples survive infidelity and improve their relationship.
Preparing for a Better End – Q&A with authors Dan Morhaim, MD and Shelley Morhaim
Why did you write Preparing for a Better End: Expert Lessons on Death and Dying for You and Your Loved Ones? People need a simple, yet comprehensive guide to managing advance care planning, and this need has been heightened by the impact of the pandemic...

Collected Blog Series: Well-Being in the Age of COVID-19
At the beginning of the 2020 coronavirus crisis, we reached out to Johns Hopkins University Press authors – experts in fields of health and wellness – for their advice on how to weather this unprecedented storm. We happily received, read through, and published...

Rheumatoid Arthritis and COVID-19
By Tammi L. Shlotzhauer, M.D. These are alarming times for everyone. If you have Rheumatoid Arthritis, there are some additional concerns. With RA, as well as other autoimmune diseases, your immune system responds differently to triggers in our environment. As...

How to Successfully Share Coronavirus Information with an Individual with Dementia Symptoms
By Laura Wayman Whether you are a family caregiver or a professional care provider, it is important to remain adaptable with your care approach to successfully manage dementia symptoms and behaviors. A caregiver who is “dementia-aware” is one who remains open...

Dementia Care and Communication during the Coronavirus Pandemic
By Rachael Wonderlin, MS Special thanks to Michelle Tristani from Benchmark Senior Living Communicating with people living with dementia is never an easy task: for many families, it’s the hardest thing they do on a regular basis. Concerned with how to answer...

Helping Older Individuals Manage Anxiety and Depression during the COVID-19 Crisis
By Mark D. Miller, M.D., and Charles F. Reynolds III, M.D. Let’s first define “older” as those at least age 60. This segment of the population is on track to soon become 22% of the whole. It is a heterogeneous group comprised of a reasonably healthy, mobile...

“Dementia-Aware” Support for Family and Professional Caregivers Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Laura Wayman Whether you are a family caregiver caring for a loved one, or a professional caregiver caring for many, I am sure you will agree that dementia care brings with it a myriad of challenges that can change and shift daily even in the best of...

Author Muriel Gillick discusses “The Caregiver’s Encyclopedia"
Muriel Gillick, author of The Caregiver’s Encyclopedia: A Compassionate Guide to Caring for Older Adults, summarizes the uses of her helpful book for two different audiences: family caregivers, and physicians. Watch the videos on YouTube at the following links...

Caregivers Are The Key
As a geriatric and palliative care physician, I have provided medical care to many patients in their homes. They are typically very sick: some of them are frail, some suffer from dementia, a number are approaching the end of life. They have spent time in...

The Importance of Conversation to End-of-Life Care in Dementia
"There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet."—William Frederick Halsey, Jr. Making decisions for another person at the end of their life is indeed a significant challenge. The challenge is even more...