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Wellbeing for Teens and Kids in the Time of COVID-19
By Kathleen Trainor, PsyD Children all over the country went to school one day, only to be told they were not going back the next. With no preparation, lockers were left full of books, musical instruments abandoned in classrooms, and all sports, school plays...
Taming the back-to-school worries
Back-to-school can be a tough time for students of any age – grade school, high school, college – and their parents. It carries with it anxiety about the social and academic events of the coming year. Thoughts such as: Who are my teachers? What if they don’t...
Calming Your Anxious Child
August 7th, 2016 is National Kids Day. In honor of the occasion, Dr. Kathleen Trainor, author of the new book, Calming Your Anxious Child: Words to Say and Things to Do, offers four strategies to help quiet the worries of children moved by tragedy. For more on...