Patricia Matthew on "Race, Blackness, and Romanticism"
The recently released Spring 2022 issue of Studies in Romanticism is a special issue titled "Race, Blackness, and Romanticism", guest edited by Dr. Patricia A. Matthew of Montclair State University. We asked Dr. Matthew to provide some background on this...
Why Frankenstein Matters 200 Years Later
Although “Franken” has in the cultural zeitgeist become a watchword for the power of science to destroy humanity, Mary Shelley had a far more open view of science. Don’t mistake the messenger, Victor, for the message. In fact, in her day, “science” had a lower...
Modernism and Opera
The following is an excerpt from Richard Begam and Matthew Wilson Smith’s new edited volume, Modernism and Opera. In opera, one always dies of the thing one loves. To love less than the impossible, less than that for which one cannot live, is not to love at...