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Hopkins Press Welcomes New Journal: Cusp
Continuing our celebration of University Press Week, today we showcase what's #NextUP in Journals with the launch announcement of the newest title in the Hopkins Press Journals catalog: Cusp: Late 19th-/Early 20th-Century Cultures.
Cover image for Cusp Journal.
The Racial Politics of Periodization
The journal New Literary History focuses on questions of theory, method, interpretation, and literary history. By examining the bases of criticism, the journal provokes debate on the relations between literary and cultural texts and present needs. The journal...
New Literary History, Volume 52, Numbers 3/4, Summer/Autumn 2021 Race and Periodization.
Patricia Matthew on "Race, Blackness, and Romanticism"
The recently released Spring 2022 issue of Studies in Romanticism is a special issue titled "Race, Blackness, and Romanticism", guest edited by Dr. Patricia A. Matthew of Montclair State University. We asked Dr. Matthew to provide some background on this...
Patricia Matthew
In Search of Russian Modernism
The disintegration of the Soviet empire brought about a Copernican revolution in Russian cultural historiography. Paradoxically, the post-Soviet documentary deluge and the collapse of the ideological coordinates hitherto guiding the writing of cultural history...