David A. Perry, Ram Oren, and Stephen C. Hart
edited by Anthony C. Steyermark, Michael S. Finkler, and Ronald J. Brooksforeword by J. Whitfield Gibbons
Jonathan Gressel
Mikhail A. Fedonkin, James G. Gehling, Kathleen Grey, Guy M. Narbonne, and Patricia Vickers-Richforeword by Arthur C. Clarke
edited by Donald R. Prothero and Scott E. Foss
Leslie Dayillustrated by Mark A. Klinglerforeword by Michael R. Bloomberg
Wayne Lynch
Newt Gingrich and Terry L. Mapleforeword by E. O. Wilson
Frans de Waal
John C. Avise
William J. Bell, Louis M. Roth, and Christine A. Nalepaforeword by Edward O. Wilson
Charles D. Michener
edited by Michael J. Lacki, John P. Hayes, and Allen Kurtaforeword by Merlin D. Tuttle
edited by Pamela T. Plotkin
Rexford D. Lord
Barry R. Komisaruk, Carlos Beyer-Flores, and Beverly Whipple
Victor D. Chase
Kenneth D. Rose
Franck Bonin, Bernard Devaux, and Alain DupréTranslated by Peter C. H. Pritchard
Mariano Artigas, Thomas F. Glick, and Rafael A. Martínez
with Hopkins Press Books