This serves as a useful reminder that the debate about environmental policy is far from over. Recommended for all libraries.
'Ten commitments' call for politicians to abandon adversarial politics and for businessmen and conservationists to form 'compatible partnerships.'
As a general proposal for protecting the Earth, A Contract with the Earth is a worthy read for the healthy debate it should stir.
The book could be influential in guiding the public onto a commendable environmental path.
A worthy read for the healthy debate it should stir.
Kudos to Newt Gingrich and Terry Maple... Let's hope their ideas take root and grow.
Gore and Gingrich, both enjoying their 'elder' status, now must watch as their White House-hopeful juniors wrestle with their enviro-ideas. But here's a prediction: Those who follow Gingrich's techno-optimism will have an easier time than those who put on Gore's hair shirt.
Gingrich offers some good ideas.
Give Newt a chance.
Offers a new approach to the challenges of the twenty-first century.
The book... has already garnered praise from the heads of such organizations as the Nature Conservatory and the Wildlife Society.
Lays out [Gingrich's] earth-saving agenda.
The fact that a Republican politician and a zoo executive have coauthored a book extolling the virtues of 'mainstream environmentalism'... underscores how much the green debate has shifted... A Contract with the Earth is an earnest call to deal with worldwide environmental problems, from disappearing species to ever-expanding roadside landfills.
A Contract with the Earth is strong in outlining the tremendous proliferation of government/business environmental partnerships and the expansion of strategic, collaborative philanthropy on behalf of conservation.
Emphasizing that American entrepreneurship can best drive environmental solutions.
An important little book.
Although the authors readily acknowledge the scale and immediacy of the multiple threats facing global biodiversity and do not dispute the science of climate change, their tone is positive, not grave; encouraging, not dispairing.
A bold initiative from an iconic conservative, offering proof that we could all stand united across traditional political boundaries as we forge the new ground rules for environmental survival.
Gingrich and Maple describe a hopeful future for our natural environment based on the dozens of conservation partnerships, acts of profound generosity, and entrepreneurial innovations described in their book. Theirs is a book full of energy, fueled by people and organizations acting on a commitment to nature in their everyday lives.
Gingrich and Maple's A Contract with the Earth is an appeal for America—its government, industry, universities, nonprofit organizations, and citizens—to lead on environmental issues. Theirs is the kind of hopeful vision that has heretofore been missing from the discussion.
Newt's a guy who has spent a lot of time wrestling with climate change and the environment. He reads about it, he teaches about it, he writes about it. We don't see eye to eye about everything, obviously, but that's what makes for a good debate.
Book Details
Foreword, by Edward O. Wilson
Preface, by Newt Gingrich
Are You a Mainstream Environmentalist?
1. Framing the Contract
2. A Contract with the Earth
3. A Matter of Respect
4. Missed
Foreword, by Edward O. Wilson
Preface, by Newt Gingrich
Are You a Mainstream Environmentalist?
1. Framing the Contract
2. A Contract with the Earth
3. A Matter of Respect
4. Missed Opportunities
5. Partnering for the Earth
6. Entrepreneurial Environmentalism
7. Environmental Philanthropy
8. Renewing the Natural World
9. Leading the Way to a Better World
10. From Many, One
Sources and Suggested Reading