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A Contract with the Earth

Newt Gingrich and Terry L. Maple
foreword by E. O. Wilson

Publication Date

Focusing the environmental debate on the principle of common commitment, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and eminent conservationist Terry L. Maple present A Contract with the Earth. They declare a need for bipartisan environmentalism—a new era of environmental stewardship with principles that they believe most Americans will share.

While acknowledging that liberals and conservatives do not see eye to eye on many issues, Gingrich and Maple argue successfully that environmental stewardship is a mainstream value that transcends partisan politics. Their thoughtful approaches to our...

Focusing the environmental debate on the principle of common commitment, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and eminent conservationist Terry L. Maple present A Contract with the Earth. They declare a need for bipartisan environmentalism—a new era of environmental stewardship with principles that they believe most Americans will share.

While acknowledging that liberals and conservatives do not see eye to eye on many issues, Gingrich and Maple argue successfully that environmental stewardship is a mainstream value that transcends partisan politics. Their thoughtful approaches to our environmental challenges are based on three main premises: environmental leadership is integral to America's role in the world, technologically savvy environmental entrepreneurs can and should be the cornerstone of environmental solutions, and cooperation and incentives must be dramatically increased to achieve workable and broadly supported environmental solutions.

Gingrich and Maple believe that most people—regardless of how they categorize themselves politically—are weary of the legal and political conflicts that prevent individuals and communities from realizing the benefits of environmental conservation. The foundation of the book—a ten-point Contract with the Earth—promotes ingenuity over rhetoric as the way forward.



This serves as a useful reminder that the debate about environmental policy is far from over. Recommended for all libraries.

'Ten commitments' call for politicians to abandon adversarial politics and for businessmen and conservationists to form 'compatible partnerships.'

As a general proposal for protecting the Earth, A Contract with the Earth is a worthy read for the healthy debate it should stir.

The book could be influential in guiding the public onto a commendable environmental path.

A worthy read for the healthy debate it should stir.

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Book Details

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Table of Contents

Foreword, by Edward O. Wilson
Preface, by Newt Gingrich
Are You a Mainstream Environmentalist?
1. Framing the Contract
2. A Contract with the Earth
3. A Matter of Respect
4. Missed

Foreword, by Edward O. Wilson
Preface, by Newt Gingrich
Are You a Mainstream Environmentalist?
1. Framing the Contract
2. A Contract with the Earth
3. A Matter of Respect
4. Missed Opportunities
5. Partnering for the Earth
6. Entrepreneurial Environmentalism
7. Environmental Philanthropy
8. Renewing the Natural World
9. Leading the Way to a Better World
10. From Many, One
Sources and Suggested Reading

Author Bios
Featured Contributor

Edward O. Wilson, Ph.D.

Edward O. Wilson is an entomologist and biologist known for his pioneering work on evolution and sociobiology, and is often referred to as the father of sociobiology and modern biodiversity studies. He has authored many books, including Sociobiology: The New Synthesis (1975), On Human Nature (winner of a 1979 Pulitzer Prize), The Ants (winner of a 1991 Pulitzer Prize), Consilience: The Unity of...