Christopher E. Forth
Patricia Phillippy
Margaret A. Weitekamp
edited by Sandra R. Joshel, Margaret Malamud, and Donald T. McGuire Jr.
edited by Felicity A. Nussbaum
edited by Catherine Ingrassia and Jeff Ravel
Mary Keller
Bethany Aram
Devoney Looser
edited by Dolores Janiewski and Lois W. Banner
Valentine M. Moghadam
Lauren M. E. Goodlad
John O'Brien
Sharon V. Salinger
Mira Engler
Leigh Ann Wheeler
Richard Godbeer
Julie Wosk
edited by Nina E. Lerman, Ruth Oldenziel, and Arwen P. Mohun
edited by Donald B. Kraybillwith a foreword by Martin E. Marty
with Hopkins Press Books