The collection is representative of African politics and will serve the needs of faculty, especially for undergraduate courses.
Given its broad sweep of anglophone Africa, highly readable style, balanced perspectives, and penetrating analysis, this volume represents an important contribution to the field and a valuable resource for students wishing to comprehend the seemingly contradictory outcomes associated with African democratisation.
Rich accounts of democracy's progress and retreat in Africa.
[An] excellent collection.
Book Details
Part I: Progress and Retreat in Africa
Chapter 1. Challenges of a "Frontier" Region
Chapter 2. Presidents Untamed
Chapter 3. Legislatures on the Rise?
Chapter 4. The Rule of
Part I: Progress and Retreat in Africa
Chapter 1. Challenges of a "Frontier" Region
Chapter 2. Presidents Untamed
Chapter 3. Legislatures on the Rise?
Chapter 4. The Rule of Law versus the Big Man
Chapter 5. The Institutionalization of Political Power in Africa
Chapter 6. The Decline of the African Military Coup
Chapter 7. Growth Without Prosperity in Africa
Chapter 8. Formal versus Informal Institutions in Africa
Part II: West Africa
Chapter 9. Nigeria's Muddled Elections
Chapter 10. Another Step Forward for Ghana
Chapter 11. Senegal: The Return of Personalism
Chapter 12. Sierra Leone: A Vote for Better Governance
Chapter 13. Liberia Starts Over
Part III: East Africa
Chapter 14. Kenya: Back from the Brink?
Chapter 15. The Crisis in Kenya
Chapter 16. Tanzania's Missing Opposition
Chapter 17. Personalizing Power in Uganda
Chapter 18. The Remarkable Story of Somaliland
Part IV: Southern and Central Africa
Chapter 19. An Accidental Advance? South Africa's 2009 Elections
Chapter 20. The Illusion of Democracy in Botswana
Chapter 21. Zambia: One Party in Perpetuity?
Chapter 22. Voting for Change in the DRC
Chapter 23. Angola's Façade Democracy
Chapter 24. Zimbabwe's Long Agony