Early FM Radio is the first serious biography to benefit from the newer documents... a valuable addition to the history of electronics, not least because it relieves Armstrong and Sarnoff of their mythological status as angel and devil and considers them instead as differently gifted practitioners.
Frost's unique—I am tempted to write groundbreaking—book now becomes one whose ideas all future historians of FM must absorb.
Frost examines the extensive Armstrong archives to paint a more nuanced picture of the complex and tumultuous relationship between Armstrong and RCA, while tracing the 'pre-history' of FM going back to about 1900.
Book Details
List of Abbreviations
Introduction: What Do We Know about FM Radio?
1. AM and FM Radio before 1920
2. Congestion and Frequency-Modulation Research, 1913–1933
3. RCA, Armstrong, and the
List of Abbreviations
Introduction: What Do We Know about FM Radio?
1. AM and FM Radio before 1920
2. Congestion and Frequency-Modulation Research, 1913–1933
3. RCA, Armstrong, and the Acceleration of FM Research, 1926–1933
4. The Serendipitous Discovery of Staticless Radio, 1915–1935
5. FM Pioneers, RCA, and the Reshaping of Wideband FM Radio, 1935–1940
Appendix: FM-Related Patents, 1902-1953
Essay on Sources