It is not possible to give justice to such a large and complex project in a short review... enlightening and fascinating.
Greg Fricchione’s book presents scientific proof of what we intuitively know to be true: personal connections make us feel better. I hope all health care professionals will embrace the more compassionate, ‘attachment-based’ medical system that Greg advocates. The health of patients and their caregivers will benefit from genuine expressions of selfless love.
Greg Fricchione leads the reader back to the art of medicine, indeed to its increasingly imperiled core: empathy and effective engagement with patients.
The finest statement yet on the evolution of compassionate care and why it is so essential to the well-being of patients. Dr. Fricchione brings a lifetime of careful scientific study, clinical practice, and wisdom to a topic that is often the forgotten factor in healthcare reform and education. This book will help us understand ourselves, our needs as human beings and as patients, and what a truly healing relationship with a clinician is all about. May this become a true classic.
Gregory Fricchione leads us on his quest to untie the Gordian knot inherent in such questions as, 'Who are we? How did we come to be like this?' His epic inquiry is conducted by the light of a dyadic lens, the 'separation challenge–attachment solution' that is foundational to our deepest pains, greatest longings, and, if his hypothesis holds, even our final joy. A masterwork of synthesis, it offers an epiphany in our search for meaning.
A compassionate and scholarly tour de force. With great erudition Dr. Fricchione provides an explanation of the complex neurobiology of human attachment as well as case histories so vivid they make the reader cry. Here is wise advice on how modern doctors can still bring their hearts to the bedside.
Book Details
Part I: Introduction: Knowledge, Meaning, and Healing, and the Consilience of Medicine
1. The Medical Mission and Evolution
2. Two Realms of Knowledge—Or One?
3. Knowledge, Meaning, and Healing
Part I: Introduction: Knowledge, Meaning, and Healing, and the Consilience of Medicine
1. The Medical Mission and Evolution
2. Two Realms of Knowledge—Or One?
3. Knowledge, Meaning, and Healing
Part II: The Biological Foundations of the Evolutionary Need for Attachment Solutions
4. Evolution of the Protocell
5. Cellular Evolution
6. Animal Evolution
Part III: The Foundations in Brain Evolution of Knowledge, Meaning, and Healing
7. Evolution of the Brain
8. Structuring the Brain to Know and Act
9. Memory and Motivation
10. Meaning, Healing, and the Brain
Part IV: The Neurobehavioral and Cultural Foundations of the Need for Attachment Solutions
11. Separation, Attachment, and Human Development
12. Separation, Attachment, and the Life Cycle
13. The Social Neuroscience of Separation and Attachment
14. Consciousness, Language, and Their Origins
15. Evolutionary Consciousness
16. Implications for Society, Culture, and Ethics
Part V: The Theoretical Foundations of the Need for Attachment Solutions
17. An Evolutionary True Cause?
18. Investigating the Separation Challenge–Attachment Solution Hypothesis
19. A Testable Hypothesis
20. Analogies and Analysis
Part VI: The Implications of the Separation Challenge-Attachment Solution Hypothesis
21. Implications for the Mission of Modern Medicine
22. Implications for Medicine at the End of Life
Postscript: A Commentary on Human Evolution