Global Energy Security and American Hegemony should definitely be on your reading list.
This well—researched book is impressive in its scholarship and insightful analysis of US pursuit of hegemony in oil—rich regions... Highly recommended.
Rests on a... grounded theoretical framework.
This brilliant book forces us to rethink the last 70 years. It demonstrates how the Iraqi invasion 'was clearly about oil'; how that quest has roots running back to the 1940s; and how lopsided policies termed 'globalization' have been integrated into this quest. These themes are graphically driven home in superb analyses of, among other areas, Latin America, the Middle East, and Central Asia—areas that will determine future American prosperity.
This sober analysis of the dynamics of U.S. power, focusing on the quest for energy security and the use of coercive power in the 'oil-rich global South,' is a significant corrective to the recent overemphasis on the personalities of presidents and the ideology of neo-conservatism. This persuasive book helps its readers to understand the essential continuities of the grand strategy of the U.S. state in the pursuit of the ‘necessities’ to maintain predominance in the global order.
This brilliant book forces us to rethink the last 70 years. It demonstrates how the Iraqi invasion 'was clearly about oil'; how that quest has roots running back to the 1940s; and how lopsided policies termed 'globalization' have been integrated into this quest.
Book Details
Introduction: Global Oil Supplies and US Intervention
1. US Hegemony and Global Energy Security
2. Counterinsurgency and the Stabilization of Order
3. The Persian Gulf and
Introduction: Global Oil Supplies and US Intervention
1. US Hegemony and Global Energy Security
2. Counterinsurgency and the Stabilization of Order
3. The Persian Gulf and Beyond
4. The Caspian Basin: US Oil Hegemony in the Former Soviet Union
5. West Africa: Stabilizing the Gulf of Guinea
6. Latin America: Capital, Crude, and Counterinsurgency in America's "Backyard"
Conclusion: The Futures of American Hegemony?