A powerful guide that should be in any basic health collection... A fine pick for medical, science, and computer collections alike.
Prescribed provides the reader with a much better understanding of how we have gotten to our current system of managing, and mismanaging, prescription drugs in the United States.
Both the health care professional and the consumer will benefit greatly from this topical book. Prescribed describes how the prescription has progressed from a document written in Latin to an electronic text that is the principal dimension of people's current encounters with physicians, nurse practitioners, and other physician extenders... Highly recommended.
This book provides a good overview of the major problems relating to prescriptions and detailed coverage of particular matters for those who want to investigate them further.
The emerging field of pharmaceutical history is well served by Prescribed, an excellent book that examines postwar American pharmacy and medicine by focusing on the act of prescribing.
This collection may do for the history of epistemology of pharmaceuticals and ideas about drugs what Rosenberg and Golden's Framing Disease did for the history and epistemology of disease.
The volume is an exceptional collection of stories, which not only reveals the history of the prescription in modern America, but also adds a significant layer to our broader knowledge of pharmaceutical and medical history.
There is no doubt that Prescribed is an excellent contribution to the literature, it deserves a wide readership, and it should be incorporated into many classroom reading lists. These are fascinating, well-told stories that elegantly explain why pharmaceutical studies should be an important element in the study of and instruction in the history of medicine, science, and technology, and in history more generally.
A blueprint for a new standard in the history of health care in America. Prescribed looks to the future and the past to better understand the whole picture surrounding the prescription today. The chapters reflect solid historical research, synthetic analysis, and useful insights for further work on recurring problems.
Book Details
List of Abbreviations
Introduction. The Prescription in Perspective
Chapter 1. Goofball Panic: Barbiturates, "Dangerous" and Addictive Drugs, and the Regulation of Medicine in Postwar America
Chapter 2
List of Abbreviations
Introduction. The Prescription in Perspective
Chapter 1. Goofball Panic: Barbiturates, "Dangerous" and Addictive Drugs, and the Regulation of Medicine in Postwar America
Chapter 2. Pharmacological Restraints: Antibiotic Prescribing and the Limits of Physician Autonomy
Chapter 3. "Eroding the Physician's Control of Therapy": The Postwar Politics of the Prescription
Chapter 4. Deciphering the Prescription: Pharmacists and the Patient Package Insert
Chapter 5. The Right to Write: Prescription and Nurse Practitioners
Chapter 6. The Best Prescription for Women's Health: Feminist Approaches to Well-Woman Care
Chapter 7. "Safer Than Aspirin": The Campaign for Over-the-Counter Oral Contraceptives and Emergency Contraceptive Pills
Chapter 8. The Prescription as Stigma: Opioid Pain Relievers and the Long Walk to the Pharmacy Counter
Chapter 9. Busted for Blockbusters: "Scrip Mills," Quaalude, and Prescribing Power in the 1970s
Chapter 10. The Afterlife of the Prescription: The Sciences of Therapeutic Surveillance
Time Line of Federal Regulations and Rulings Related to the Prescription
List of Contributors