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Freshwater Fishes of North America

Volume 2: Characidae to Poeciliidae

edited by Melvin L. Warren, Jr., and Brooks M. Burr
with Anthony A. Echelle, Bernard R. Kuhajda, and Stephen T. Ross
illustrated by Joseph R. Tomelleri

Volume 2
Publication Date

The highly anticipated second volume of Freshwater Fishes of North America, a monumental, fully illustrated reference that provides comprehensive details on the freshwater fishes of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

When the first volume of Freshwater Fishes of North America was published, it was immediately hailed as the definitive reference in the field. Readers have been fervently awaiting the next volume in this encompassing three-book set ever since. Now complete, volume 2, covering families Characidae to Poeciliidae, is the result of decades of analysis by leading fish experts from...

The highly anticipated second volume of Freshwater Fishes of North America, a monumental, fully illustrated reference that provides comprehensive details on the freshwater fishes of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

When the first volume of Freshwater Fishes of North America was published, it was immediately hailed as the definitive reference in the field. Readers have been fervently awaiting the next volume in this encompassing three-book set ever since. Now complete, volume 2, covering families Characidae to Poeciliidae, is the result of decades of analysis by leading fish experts from universities and research laboratories across North America.

Each volume in this authoritative synthesis covers the ecology, morphology, reproduction, distribution, behavior, taxonomy, conservation, and the fossil record of the included North American fish families. The encyclopedic reviews of each family are accompanied by color photographs (nearly 250 in this volume alone), range maps, and artwork created by noted fish illustrator Joseph R. Tomelleri. The result is a rich textual and visual experience that covers everything known about the diversity, natural history, ecology, and biology of North American freshwater fishes.

Volume 2 covers the following North American families of fishes:

Characidae (Characins)
Ictaluridae (North American Catfishes)
Ariidae (Sea Catfishes)
Heptapteridae (Three-barbeled Catfishes)
Osmeridae (Smelts)
Esociformes (Esocidae, Pikes and Umbridae, Mudminnows)
Percopsidae (Trout-perches)
Amblyopsidae (Cavefishes)
Aphredoderidae (Pirate Perches)
Gadidae (Cods and Cuskfishes)
Mugilidae (Mullets)
Atherinopsidae (New World Silversides)
Beloniformes (Needlefishes and Halfbeaks)
Rivulidae (New World Rivulines)
Profundulidae (Middle American Killifishes)
Goodeidae (Goodeids)
Fundulidae (Topminnows)
Cyprinodontidae (Pupfishes)
Poeciliidae (Livebearers)

The chapter authors of Volume 2 are:

Gianetta Adams
Clyde Barbour
Micah Bennett
Ricardo Bentancur-R.
Peter B. Z. Berendzen
Brooks M. Burr
Mollie Cashner
Robert C. Cashner
Bruce B. Collette
Matthew Davis
Alice F. Echelle
Anthony A. Echelle
Fernando Galvez
Michael Ghedotti
Nicholas Gidmark
Terry Grande
Robert L. Hopkins
Lauren M. Kuehne
Frank McCormick
Norman Mercado-Silva
Ann U. O'Connell
Martin T. O'Connell
Julian D. Olden
Claudia Patricia Ornelas-Garcia
Mark Sabaj Perez
Kyle R. Piller
Steven Powers
Jacob Schaefer
Juan J. Schmitter-Soto
Andrew M. Simons
Roger A. Tabor
Cheryl Thiele
Matthew Thomas
Melvin L. Warren, Jr.
Mark V. H. Wilson



It is enough to keep a fish nerd occupied for a very, very long time... I think of this as the encyclopedic complement to the field guide.

A heroic undertaking in its scope. The icthyological community has eagerly awaited the publication of the second volume of this most important work, which provides continent-wide coverage of North America's freshwater fish fauna. This book will make our jobs easier.


Book Details

Publication Date
Trim Size
Illustration Description
243 color photos, 49 color illus., 31 b&w photos, 98 b&w illus., 72 maps, 56 charts, 49 graphs
Table of Contents

List of Contributors
Melvin L. Warren, Jr., and Brooks M. Burr
Chapter 14 Characidae: Characins
Norman Mercado-Silva, Claudia P. Ornelas-García, Juan Jacobo Schmitter-Soto

List of Contributors
Melvin L. Warren, Jr., and Brooks M. Burr
Chapter 14 Characidae: Characins
Norman Mercado-Silva, Claudia P. Ornelas-García, Juan Jacobo Schmitter-Soto, Nicholas J. Gidmark, and Andrew M. Simons
Chapter 15 Ictaluridae: North American Catfishes
Brooks M. Burr, Melvin L. Warren, Jr., and Micah G. Bennett
Chapter 16 Ariidae: Sea Catfishes
Matthew R. Thomas and Ricardo Betancur-R.
Chapter 17 Heptapteridae: Seven-finned Catfishes
Matthew R. Thomas and Mark Henry Sabaj
Chapter 18 Osmeridae: Smelts
Robert L. Hopkins II and Melvin L. Warren, Jr.
Chapter 19 Esociformes: Esocidae, Pikes, and Umbridae (Mudminnows)
Frank H. McCormick, Terry Grande, Cheryl Theile, Melvin L. Warren, Jr., J. Andrés López, Mark V. H. Wilson, Roger A. Tabor, Julian D. Olden, and
Lauren M. Kuehne
Chapter 20 Percopsidae: Trout-perches
Brooks M. Burr and Melvin L. Warren, Jr.
Chapter 21 Amblyopsidae: Cavefishes
Ginny L. Adams, Brooks M. Burr, and Melvin L. Warren, Jr.
Chapter 22 Aphredoderidae: Pirate Perches
Brooks M. Burr and Melvin L. Warren, Jr.
Chapter 23 Gadidae (Gadinae and Lotinae): Cods and Cuskfishes
Peter B. Berendzen
Chapter 24 Mugilidae: Mullets
Steven L. Powers
Chapter 25 Atherinopsidae: New World Silversides
Kyle R. Piller and Clyde D. Barbour
Chapter 26 Beloniformes: Belonidae (Needlefishes) and Hemiramphidae (Halfbeaks)
Bruce B. Collette and Stephen J. Walsh
Chapter 27 Rivulidae: New World Rivulines
Ann M. Uzee O'Connell, Martin T. O'Connell, and Anthony A. Echelle
Chapter 28 Profundulidae: Middle American Killifishes
Mollie F. Cashner and Anthony A. Echelle
Chapter 29 Goodeidae: Goodeids
Shane A. Webb
Chapter 30 Fundulidae: Topminnows
Robert C. Cashner, Jacob Schaefer, Melvin L. Warren, Jr., Anthony A. Echelle, Fernando Galvez, and Michael J. Ghedotti
Chapter 31 Cyprinodontidae: Pupfishes
Anthony A. Echelle and Alice F. Echelle
Chapter 32 Poeciliidae: Livebearers
Michael J. Ghedotti, Matthew P. Davis, and Anthony A. Echelle
Literature Cited
Index of Scientific Names
General Index

Author Bios
Featured Contributor

Melvin L. Warren, Jr.

Melvin L. Warren, Jr., is a research biologist and team leader of the Aquatic and Terrestrial Fauna Team at the Center for Bottomland Hardwoods Research, Southern Research Station, USDA Forest Service.
Brooks M. Burr
Featured Contributor

Brooks M. Burr

Brooks M. Burr is a professor and curator of fishes in the Department of Zoology at Southern Illinois University.
Featured Contributor

Joseph R. Tomelleri

Joseph R. Tomelleri’s illustrations have appeared in more than 350 publications, including books, magazines, advertisements, newspapers, and identification guides.