Avec un retentissement exceptionnel pour un ouvrage écrit par quelqu’un qui n’était ni historien professionnel, ni spécialiste de l’Antiquité, le livre d’Edward Luttwak sur la grande stratégie de l’empire romain occupe une place à part dans l’historiographie depuis sa publication en 1976. À le relire on reste impressionné par l’ampleur des questions abordées, la concision, la clarté et l’audace de la synthèse, mais aussi par nombre d’observations. Au lendemain de la défaite du Vietnam,
Lucidly and vigorously written. It is a long time since I have read so important a contribution to Roman history.
Luttwak has done scholarship an immense service. Every page brings detailed insights into the working of Roman military organization, in strategy and tactics.
A fascinating book, well written and forcefully argued.
Book Details
List of Maps, Figures, and Tables
Preface to the 2016 Edition
Preface to the First Edition
1. The Julio-Claudian System
The System in Outline
The Client States
The Management of
List of Maps, Figures, and Tables
Preface to the 2016 Edition
Preface to the First Edition
1. The Julio-Claudian System
The System in Outline
The Client States
The Management of the Clients
The Tactical Organization of the Army
The Strategic Deployment of Forces
2. From the Flavians to the Severi
The System in Outline
Border Defense
Border Defense
The Decline of the Client System
The Army and the System
3. Defense-in-Depth
The System in Outline
The Changing Threat
The New Borders of the Empire
Walled Towns and Hard-Point Defenses
Border Troops
Provincial Forces
Central Field Armies
Epilogue. The Three Systems
Appendix. Power and Force