Carefully argued and well written, this work in an important addition to academic libraries.
Takeda's research is especially original and interesting.
An impressive first monograph.
In her insightful and well-researched study, Between Crown and Commerce: Marseille and the Early Modern Mediterranean Junko Takeda explores the political culture of this highly commercial city with a long republican tradition during the high age of absolutism... Takeda has produced a wonderful book that opens new issues and recasts familiar ones in productive directions. Most importantly, by grounding her analysis within a distinct municipal setting, she provides a model of how analysis of discourse is enriched when set in a clear political and social frame.
A superb work of historical investigation and analysis in every respect—an important and well-conceived topic, thoroughly and expertly researched, and organized and presented in an effective and memorable fashion.
Book Details
Introduction: Commerce, State-Building, and Republicanism in Old Regime France
1. Louis XIV, Marseillais Merchants, and the Problem of Discerning the Public Good
2. Between Republic and
Introduction: Commerce, State-Building, and Republicanism in Old Regime France
1. Louis XIV, Marseillais Merchants, and the Problem of Discerning the Public Good
2. Between Republic and Monarchy: Debating Commerce and Virtue
3. France and the Levantine Merchant: The Challenges of an International Market
4. Plague, Commerce, and Centralized Disease Control in Early Modern France
5. Virtue without Commerce: Civic Spirit During the Plague, 1720– 1723
6. Civic Religiosity and Religious Citizenship in Plague- Stricken Marseille
7. Postmortem: Virtue and Commerce Reconsidered