Articulated by a careful, sensitive, and provocative writer, this critique is refreshing and valuable.
Justice, Dissent, and the Sublime remains instructive in its portrayal of the various ways that theories inevitably relapse back into what they attempt to undo. In addition, interspersed throughout the chapters, Canuel offers convincing and powerful readings of major romantic texts.
Mark Canuel's provocative, lucid, and intelligent Justice, Dissent, and the Sublime challenges the dominant critical trend in the discourse of the sublime.
Subtly written, thought-provoking.
Justice, Dissent, and the Sublime sits at the intersection of literary studies and political theory. This alone makes it an important contribution to several interrelated discussions. This book makes a powerful argument for the importance of Romanticism in contemporary thinking.
Book Details
1. Beautiful People
2. Justic and the Romantic Sublime
3. The Reparative Impulse
4. Biopolitics and the Sublime
5. Aesthetics and Animal Theory