A good general introduction to the biology of ants.
Choe's goal is to expose the fascinating miniature world of ants to curious minds... Highly recommended.
Enter the miniature world of ants and learn about their societies, from massacres and power plays to self-sacrifice and factory-like enterprises.
An enjoyable popular read from an author who combines expert scientific knowledge of ants with a real passion for these miniscule marvels. The text is amply illustrated with complementary and captivating illustrations and original photographs. It will be a welcome addition to the bookcase of naturalists of any age.
It is his passion for the natural world that Jae brings to the study of ant biology. I congratulate my friend on writing a truly fascinating book.
Secret Lives of Ants is one of the best (and most readable) books ever written on these important insects. The author, who is intimately familiar with the scientific facts, provides a charming and personalized story that will appeal to a broad readership in every country.
Book Details
Foreword, by Jane Goodall
Introduction: My First Journey to the Ants
Part I: The Economics of Ant Society
1. Ants Mean Business: How the Futuristic Economics of Ants Maximizes Their Returns
Foreword, by Jane Goodall
Introduction: My First Journey to the Ants
Part I: The Economics of Ant Society
1. Ants Mean Business: How the Futuristic Economics of Ants Maximizes Their Returns
2. Economies of Scale and Rational BusinessManagement: From Joint Ventures to Multinational Enterprises
3. A 50-Million-Year Tradition of Farming: The Massive Underground Mushroom Farms of the Leaf-cutter Ants
4. Ant Ranchers: Masters of Dairy Farming Second Only to Mankind
5. The World's First Bodyguards: Standing Watch for Room and Board
6. The Charge of the Ant Brigade: The Terrifying March of the Army Ants
Part II: The Culture of Ant Society
7. Talking with the Ants: The Clever Designs of Ant Communication
8. The Ants Come Home: Sense of Direction and Biological Clocks
9. Ants at Work: Maids, Nannies, Laborers, Soldiers
10. Con Artists of the Ant World: Parasites That Have Cracked the Ants' Secret Code
11. Villains and Monsters of the Ant World: Predators and Parasites
Part III: The Politics of Ant Society
12. No Children of Their Own: Females in the Service of an Amazon Queen
13. Conflict in the Queendom: Divine Right of the Queen? Or the Will of the Masses?
14. Political Conflict and International Alliances: Yesterday's Comrade, Today's Enemy
15. The Foundation Myth of the Aztec Ant Queendom: The Queens' Battle for the Throne
16. War and Slavery: From Full-Scale Slaughter to Bloodless Warfare
Epilogue: To Know Them Is to Love Them