Watkins makes a solid case for treating Barbauld as a major poet.
Watkin's own vision of Barbauld, presented in Anna Letitia Barbauld and Eighteenth-Century Visionary Poetics, is a useful one. His detailed exploration of the intellectual and visionary scope of Barbauld's poetry will no doubt have a significant impact on the way in which this still underappreciated writer is subsequently viewed.
Daniel Watkins's Anna Letitia Barbauld and Eighteenth-Century Visionary Poetics makes a convincing case for reading Barbauld's published volumes as volumes, rather than as atomized poems... It is a bold claim, but one borne out by the quality of Barbauld's poetry.
Watkins's work offers a remarkable guide to [Barbaul's Poems], and a fine celebration of Barbauld's distinctive political and poetic intellect.
Thoughtfully engaging with major trends in critical perspectives on female poetics, Watkin's goal, explored in his introduction, is to enlarge our discussions of women's writing in the period... This, indeed, is the great strength of his discussion of Barbauld as visionary and as poet: he seeks to bring out the allusive richness of each poem while remaining alert t the larger aims of the volume as a whole.
... Watkins is the reader Barbauld deserves.
Watkins makes an utterly convincing case for why Barbauld is so much more important as a poet and thinker than is typically appreciated, and why a close and systematic study of the complex volume Poems has so much to teach us.
Book Details
1. Barbauld's Poems in Context
2. Politics, Vision, and Pastoral
3. Satire, Antipastoral, and Visionary Poetics
4. Personal Life and Visionary Poetics
5. Reflections on
1. Barbauld's Poems in Context
2. Politics, Vision, and Pastoral
3. Satire, Antipastoral, and Visionary Poetics
4. Personal Life and Visionary Poetics
5. Reflections on Writing
6. The Personal and Biblical Principles of Poetic Vision
7. God, Vision, and the Political Moment