This outstanding volume is the result of the longest enduring of Duellman’s research projects; add it to your bookshelf!
Overall, this is a very detailed, well-written, up-to-date summary of known information on these frogs. It will be indispensable to scientists who are or will be working with marsupial frogs. It will also be valuable to advanced students of herpetology. Highly Recommended.
This book does a great job of achieving its goal of summarizing the current knowledge of the family and highlighting where knowledge is currently lacking. The writing style is easy to follow and concise making this book a very compelling read. I very rarely use the following words when writing book reviews, but this book is a must for anyone with an interest in neotropical herpetology or amphibians in general.
Book Details
1. Introduction
Material and Methods
2. The Place of Hemiphractids in Anuran Phylogeny
Morphological Phylogenetic Analyses
Molecular Phylogenetic Analyses
Literature Cited
3. Phylogeny
1. Introduction
Material and Methods
2. The Place of Hemiphractids in Anuran Phylogeny
Morphological Phylogenetic Analyses
Molecular Phylogenetic Analyses
Literature Cited
3. Phylogeny and Classification
Phylogenetic Relationships
Vernacular Names
Literature Cited
4. Osteology, by linda trueb
Allies of Marsupial Frogs
Cranial Osteology of Gastrotheca
Characterization of Gastrotheca
Literature Cited
5. External Morphological Features
Adult Frogs
External Characters of Frogs
Literature Cited
6. Chromosomes, Muscles, and Vocalization
Throat Musculature
Literature Cited
Reproductive Biology
Mating and Oviposition
The Brood Pouch
Embryonic Development
Embryonic Respiration
Evolution of Reproduction and Development
Literature Cited
8. Biogeography
History of South America
Evolutionary History of Hemiphractidae
Present Distributions
Habitats of Hemiphractid Frogs
Literature Cited
9. Genera of Hemiphractidae
Family Hemiphractidae
Key to Genera
10. Basal subgenera of Gastrotheca
Subgenus Eotheca
Key to Species
Gastrotheca (Eotheca) fissipes
Gastrotheca (Eotheca) flamma
Gastrotheca (Eotheca) megacephala
Gastrotheca (Eotheca) prasina
Gastrotheca (Eotheca) pulchra
Gastrotheca (Eotheca) recava
Subgenus Cryptotheca
Key to Species
Gastrotheca (Cryptotheca) walkeri
Gastrotheca (Cryptotheca) williamsoni
Subgenus Amphignathodon
Key to Species
Gastrotheca (Amphignathodon) andaquiensis
Gastrotheca (Amphignathodon) angustifrons
Gastrotheca (Amphignathodon) antomia
Gastrotheca (Amphignathodon) bufona
Gastrotheca (Amphignathodon) cornuta
Gastrotheca (Amphignathodon) dendronastes
Gastrotheca (Amphignathodon) guentheri
Gastrotheca (Amphignathodon) helenae
Gastrotheca (Amphignathodon) longipes
Gastrotheca (Amphignathodon) weinlandii
Subgenus Australotheca
Key to Species
Gastrotheca (Australotheca) albolineata
Gastrotheca (Australotheca) ernestoi
Gastrotheca (Australotheca) fulvorufa
Gastrotheca (Australotheca) microdiscus
Subgenus Opisthodelphys
Gastrotheca (Opisthodelphys) ovifera
Subgenus Edaphotheca
Gastrotheca (Edaphotheca) galeata
Literature Cited
11. Andean Species of Subgenus Duellmania
Subgenus Duellmania
Key to Species
Gastrotheca (Duellmania) argenteovirens
Gastrotheca (Duellmania) aureomaculata
Gastrotheca (Duellmania) dunni
Gastrotheca (Duellmania) dysprosita
Gastrotheca (Duellmania) espeletia
Gastrotheca (Duellmania) litonedis
Gastrotheca (Duellmania) lojana
Gastrotheca (Duellmania) monticola
Gastrotheca (Duellmania) nicefori
Gastrotheca (Duellmania) orophylax
Gastrotheca (Duellmania) plumbea
Gastrotheca (Duellmania) riobambae
Gastrotheca (Duellmania) ruizi
Gastrotheca (Duellmania) trachyceps
Literature Cited
12. Andean Species of Subgenus Gastrotheca
Subgenus Gastrotheca
Key to Species
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) abdita
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) aguaruna
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) antoniiochoai
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) aratia
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) atympana
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) caeruleomaculata
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) carinaceps
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) christiani
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) chrysosticta
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) excubitor
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) gracilis
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) griswoldi
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) lateonota
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) marsupiata
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) nebulanastes
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) ochoai
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) ossilaginis
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) pacchamama
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) pachachacae
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) peruana
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) phalarosa
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) phelloderma
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) piperata
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) pseustes
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) psychrophila
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) rebeccae
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) splendens
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) stictopleura
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) testudinea
Gastrotheca (Gastrotheca) zeugocystis
Literature Cited
13. In Retrospect
Literature Cited