An invaluable contribution to the scholarship and pedagogy of Afro-Modernism, Afro-Diasporic Studies, and Black Atlantic Studies.
Book Details
Part I: Afro-Modernism
Chapter 1. Cultural Artifacts and the Narrative of History: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Exhibiting of Culture at the 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle
Part I: Afro-Modernism
Chapter 1. Cultural Artifacts and the Narrative of History: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Exhibiting of Culture at the 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle
Chapter 2. "The Only Real White Democracy" and the Language of Liberation: The Great War, France, and African American Culture in the 1920s
Chapter 3. "No One, I Am Sure, Is Ever Homesick in Paris": Jessie Fauset's French Imaginary
Chapter 4. Writing Home: Comparative Black Modernism and Form in Jean Toomer and Aimé Césaire
Chapter 5. Embodied Fictions, Melancholy Migrations: Josephine Baker's Cinematic Celebrity
Part II: Postwar Paris and the Politics of Literature
Chapter 6. Assuming the Position: Fugitivity and Futurity in the Work of Chester Himes
Chapter 7. "One Is Mysteriously Shipwrecked Forever, in the Great New World": James Baldwin from New York to Paris
Chapter 8. Making Culture Capital: Présence Africaine and Diasporic Modernity in Post–World War II Paris
Chapter 9. Richard Wright's "Island of Hallucination" and the Gibson Affair
Chapter 10. Entering the Politics of the Outside: Richard Wright's Critique of Marxism and Existentialism
Part III: From Négritude to Migritude
Chapter 11. René, Louis, and Léopold: Senghorian Négritude as a Black Humanism
Chapter 12. Nos Ancêtres, les Diallobés: Cheikh Hamidou Kane's Ambiguous Adventure and the Paradoxes of Islamic Négritude
Chapter 13. Redefining Paris: Transmodernity and Francophone African Migritude Fiction
Chapter 14. Interurban Paris: Alain Mabanckou's Invisible Cities
Afterword: Europhilia, Francophilia, Negrophilia in the Making of Modernism
List of Contributors