A nuanced discussion of Franklin's life and thought.
This book deserves a special place on any library's shelf... Franklin was a master at segmenting and redistributing his experience in different formats, Anderson points out, and Franklin's autobiography is very much a part of that digressive practice... This study provides an illuminating insight into autobiography in general and the ways publishers and editors partly determine a book's structure and fate.
An interesting and thoughtful meditation on Franklin's autobiography. This is a new kind of approach—or, new for this generation—that orients readers toward the text in ways that are illuminating and productive.
Book Details
List of Illustrations
A Note to the Reader
Introduction: Accident and Design
1. Great Works and Little Anecdotes
2. Imposing Forms
3. The Scramble of Life
4. Litera Scripta Manet
5. Some Uses of
List of Illustrations
A Note to the Reader
Introduction: Accident and Design
1. Great Works and Little Anecdotes
2. Imposing Forms
3. The Scramble of Life
4. Litera Scripta Manet
5. Some Uses of Cunning
Conclusion: Segmented Serpent