This well-illustrated (in three colors), reasonably priced volume is a worthwhile acquisition.
An outstanding text that can greatly facilitate improved education in hydrology. Hopefully, this book will be universally adopted for use in undergraduate hydrology courses that have an integrated environmental focus. I fully expect that the book will also find its way to the bookshelves of many professionals and graduate students. Personally, starting next year, I plan to use this book as one of the assigned texts for the three-quarter-long Environmental Earth Science series at Stanford.
Its general introduction to physical hydrology and in particular catchment hydrology via the hillslope-steam continuum is impressive.
A publishing model for the future of hydrologic education.
A much needed practical and well balanced approach to physical hydrology... Not only will the text serve well in a one-semester physical-hydrology course, but it also should be useful to professionals in almost all fields of environmental science and natural-resource management.
Most aquatic ecologists believe that a solid knowledge of hydrology is, now, a critical tool in the lotic scientist's background... For readers looking for a good basic text in hydrology, this is the one to purchase.
Book Details
1. The Science of Hydrology
2. Precipitation and Evapotranspiration
3. The Basis for Analysis in Physical Hydrology: Principles of Fluid Dynamics
4. Open Channel Hydraulics
5. Catchment Hydrology
1. The Science of Hydrology
2. Precipitation and Evapotranspiration
3. The Basis for Analysis in Physical Hydrology: Principles of Fluid Dynamics
4. Open Channel Hydraulics
5. Catchment Hydrology: Streams and Floods
6. Groundwater Hydraulic
7. Groundwater Hydrology
8. Water in the Unsaturated Zone
9. Ecohydrology: Interactions between Hydrological Processes and the Biota
10. Catchment Hydrology: The Hillslope-Stream Continuum
11. Water, Climate, Energy, and Food
1. Units, Dimensions, and Conversions
2. Properties of Water
3. Basic Statistics in Hydrology
Answers to Example Problems