This book provides a road map to make sense of and explain the variantion, in these cases and for future research.
Dale Herspring's book comes at a perfect moment as we are witnessing instances of 'healthy frictions' in American civil-military relations.
A thorough tour of key civil-military relationships at play across these four disparate national studies awaits those eager to dive in.
An ingenious in-depth analysis of shared responsibility in various cultural and historical contexts... A must read for both experienced scholars seeking a new perspective on civil-military relations and students who are just beginning to explore the topic.
Herspring examines the 'shared responsibility' of civil-military relations in four different countries, offering the provocative conclusion that blame for bad relations often rests with civilians who fail to create the proper environment of respect. This ambitious book will engage specialists and generalists and will particularly appeal to military professionals.
This incisive book is notable for two primary reasons. First, the comparative analysis of civil-military relations is both important and under-analyzed. Second, Dale Herspring is distinctly qualified to bridge the gap between the academic and policymaking environments as a former naval officer, State Department analyst, and respected professor. Highly recommended.
This study is an important contribution to the field of civil-military relations. Herspring convincingly argues and shows through the experiences of four states that conflict between military and civilian elites, if it takes place within well-regulated parameters, is a normal, positive, and healthy ingredient of civil-military relations. His sensitivity to history, military culture, the armed forces in different contexts and his close understanding of the American, Canadian, German, and Russian military politics makes this a welcome addition to the literature.
Book Details
1. A Conceptual Framework for Shared Responsibility
Part I: United States
2. From John F. Kennedy through Jimmy Carter
3. From Ronald Reagan through Barack Obama
Part II: Germany
4. From Konrad
1. A Conceptual Framework for Shared Responsibility
Part I: United States
2. From John F. Kennedy through Jimmy Carter
3. From Ronald Reagan through Barack Obama
Part II: Germany
4. From Konrad Adenauer through Willy Brandt
5. From Helmut Schmidt through Angela Merkel
Part III: Canada
6. From Paul Hellyer through Pierre Trudeau
7. From Brian Mulroney through Stephen Harper
Part IV: Russia
8. From Boris Yeltsin through Vladimir Putin
9. From Vladimir Putin through Dmitry Medvedev
10. The Search for Shared Responsibility