A balanced, intelligent introduction to the historic themes of modern American labor relations.
A helping of sober truth about the American labor movement and its politics... Zieger is fair and objective and writes in a style that can be read with pleasure and understanding.
Book Details
1. The New Industrial Regime
2. War, Prosperity, and Depression, 1914–1933
3. Rebirth of the Unions, 1933–1939
4. Labor Goes to War, 1939–1945
5. Strikes, Politics, Radicalism, 1945–1950
6. Affluent
1. The New Industrial Regime
2. War, Prosperity, and Depression, 1914–1933
3. Rebirth of the Unions, 1933–1939
4. Labor Goes to War, 1939–1945
5. Strikes, Politics, Radicalism, 1945–1950
6. Affluent Workers, Stable Unions Labor in the Postwar Decades
7. Race, War, Politics Labor in the 1960s
8. Labor at the Close of the Twentieth Century
9. Losing Ground Workers and Unions since 9/11
Selected Further Reading